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Casa Mariol Vermut Negra 1lt

Casa Mariol Vermut Negre, a pioneering vermouth house, founded in 1945 outside Catalonia in North East Spain, where the Vaquer family has made wine for almost 100 years.

Casa Mariol uses a base wine from 100% Macabeo grapes - At the same time neutral grape spirit made from Macabeu Grapes and distilled on the farm is used to extract the flavours of up to 150 botanicals including green walnuts, rosemary, thyme, orange peel, wormwood and cardamom. The grapes are grown in clay soil with rich lime content within the Terra Alta region of Spain, elevated 700 metres above sea level. After the fermentation process, the vermouth spends six months aging in a Solera system enhancing its distinctive dark colour and herbaceous flavour.

One of the main differences between this and other Vermouths is the very low use of caramel. The result is a lighter, more fragrant vermouth with greater balance and complexity. This aperitif is best enjoyed simply or mixed in cocktails as the perfect prelude to a tapas feast.

Country: Spain
Region: Catalunya
Sub Region: Terra Alta


in a mixed case (6 per case)

Stock: 3 units